Wednesday, October 12, 2011

John Update

A number of you have contacted us recently asking about John, and now that I am a little more rested and have gained a tad more brain power, I thought I'd post an update.

John has been home from the hospital for a week now, and things have been relatively uneventful.  John is still exhausted and spends most of his time sleeping or watching TV. Jen teased him yesterday about doing something "more productive," but he said he's so tired and it's hard to get motivated to do or think about anything, even just to read. He's struggling with having to administer his meds every 6 hours -- having to be up at midnight and then again at 6 am.  (It takes about 45 minutes for the IV to complete.) John says he feels like all he's doing is waiting to administer the next IV or injection.

The visiting nurses are scheduled to come out to draw blood once a week (to check that the blood thinners are working and make sure his kidney and liver function is normal), but they have been here two additional times in the last week for problems related to the PICC line.  He's had bleeding at the site, which has required more frequent changing of the dressing and is a concern because of the blood thinner; and John is currently experiencing numbness in his fingers, which we are hoping is not a symptom for other complications.  John is still not out of the woods when it comes to the possibility of the clot moving to another area of his body where it could be life threatening (the lungs in particular), and the drugs he's taking and the PICC line itself are not without risk either.  Plus, even though they made a diagnoses, the particular pathogen which caused this syndrome was never identified.  Thankfully, though, the antibiotic he is taking now has been effective thus far.

We continue to be blessed by the outpouring of support: the prayers, meals, calls, visits, texts, etc. Thank you all so much especially for your prayers -- Ron and Jen both came home today with stories of people praying for John from all around the country, and John was pretty amazed by that.

Thank you!


  1. Well, I like that you are blogging! :)

    I am so glad to hear about John. We will sure keep praying. It is no wonder that he is exhausted from everything. tell him to hang in there!

    K...back to bed soon. Hugs to everyone!


  2. Kerry,
    Thanks for the update. We will keep shooting those prayers up to the LORD and take comfort that the LORD JESUS CHRIST himself is interceding for you and yours at the Right hand of the Father. What an amazing thought!
    Love to you my friend!

  3. Thanks for the update. I haven't wanted to disturb you and haven't seen you on fb much. Tell John that he is getting practice for the time that he'll have to get up on a schedule for hungry, wet, crying kids. Not that that is happening any time soon. However, he could act as surrogate for Jaime when the time comes. Have to inject a little laughter into this situation. We continue to lift you up in prayer and ask for the strength to get through this and the healing to take place in John. (Now if I can only figure out how to post to this blog.)
