Tuesday, October 25, 2011

I am boasting...

If I were to label today, it would be called "chaos." At least, that's what it felt like.

John texted me this afternoon with the news that he wouldn't be coming home, because his fever had returned. Sigh.

Ron & I didn't get in to see John until after 6 this evening, so today we received the nurse's update. She read the doctor's report to us, but she couldn't really answer any technical questions we had concerning the report. This is what we learned:
  • John's white blood count is still low, platelets are low, but RBC is "okay." This is all pretty general, and I hope to get more details tomorrow.
  • The doctors are looking at the Zosyn as being the cause for his low white blood count, so they took John off of it.  
  • John's evening "drip" of Vancomycin was skipped, because his blood work showed that the level of it in his bloodstream was too high. They are planning to put him back on a lower dosage of Vancomycin tomorrow morning, but in the meantime, John is running a fever once again.
  • So far John's blood cultures have been negative, eliminating MRSA from the culprits. Phew. However, we are waiting to see what else might grow on the cultures and the PICC line itself. It takes at least three days for that, so I suspect that John won't be coming home tomorrow either.
  • John is exhausted and only has short periods of time where he has any energy. He is becoming pretty discouraged and is still sleeping most of the time.
We are working with an infectious disease doctor and an internist at the moment. I'm no doctor, but I'm wondering if we shouldn't be focusing on his blood chemistry instead, since they aren't finding any pathogens. I think I'm ready for a second opinion. Anybody know where Gregory House REALLY practices?

The chaos comes into play whereby our house is in shambles with two major rooms emptied into all the others because of work being done by our contractor, who discovered more major electrical issues to deal with in addition to the project he was hired to do. While this is no surprise to us or anyone else who knows our house saga, it is difficult to keep on top of this and John. Additionally, I took a trip to the doctor's with Josh, who is now on amoxicillin for a sore throat, swollen tonsils, and fever of 102 and who has been told to stay home from school and work until Friday.

2 Corinthians 12:9 says, "And He has said to me, "My grace is sufficient for you, for power is perfected in weakness." Most gladly, therefore, I will rather boast about my weakness, so that the power of Christ may dwell in me."

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