Wednesday, November 16, 2011

A Note from John!

Currently I’m in the process of regaining strength and rebuilding my immune system. I am no longer on any medication, but have a long way to go before I’m at 100%. My immune system is such that if I don’t watch my diet or physical limitations I can easily get sick quickly. Pray for me to know my limits since I will/have tried to do too much too fast, and pray I don’t put myself back in the hospital for not taking my recovery seriously. It’s been difficult for me to make the adjustment from my active self to the life of a patient, and so making the adjustment is proving just as difficult.

I want to thank everyone who has been praying for me throughout this uncertain time. The amount of people who have contacted me or my family to let me know that I am in their prayers has been mind-boggling, and I am eternally thankful. Most of all, I want to thank my family for being the perfect model of support and encouragement throughout this entire experience. - John

We're thankful that the doctors gave John a clean bill of health, but he was asked to lay low for several more weeks before doing anything. His immune system was shot to begin with, and the strong antibiotics and steroids also took a toll on it. It seems that any time he tries to actually DO anything, John gets a sore throat, cold, or upper respiratory something or other. I think I'm going to hold him captive until spring!!!

Thank you, so much everyone, for your prayer support. Now that the worst has passed, I have come to realize how physically and emotionally exhausting this ride has been, and just how much the Lord carried us through it all! Love and appreciation to you all! - Kerry